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Sunday, June 25, 2006 


EPW has published articles on Reservations and Higher Education.
The printed issue is out but the site gets updated on tuesdays.So
you will be able to access the articles by 27th June evening. I will
write later about the articles in this issue on that topic.

The article by Kancha Illiah is a disaster. I dont know why it has
been published. Will somebody tell him that essentialism taken
to exteremes results in nonsensical claims. Jayati Ghosh tries
to defend the reservations. After reading that piece I felt like
saying 'Thank God, she is not a doctor'.

Had she been a doctor/surgeon she would have suggested a
simple solution and would have asked the patient(s) to bear
with that it is easy for her to administer a simple solution
than to try a more complicated but better solution. But wait,
depending upon the cirumstances a bad economist can inflict
more damage than a bad doctor. The only problem is while
the poor doctor will be hauled up for the result, the economist
can always give brilliant excuses.

I am sure that there will be responses to these articles in the
pages of EPW. I still remember the hot debates in 1990 and
after, in the pages of EPW on Mandal I. Some of the participants
of that debate (e.g. Ashok Rudra, Dharma Kumar) are no more.
In any case it is remarkable that EPW still adheres to the tradition
set by (late) Krishna Raj. What a journal, what a man .

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